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基于 BIM 技术的机电设计与施工深化设计研究
(上海城建信息科技有限公司,上海 200126)

摘  要:文章结合洛阳地铁 1 号线实际工程案例,从 BIM 总体管理咨询的角度,对基于 BIM 技术的机电设计、施工深化设计进行了研究,总结了其实施模式及实施流程,详细探讨了如何将 BIM 技术与设计、施工深度融合。一方面可使设计成果的检查与验证、设计意图的表达变得更加直观和容易理解,保证设计质量,另一方面也为施工作业提供直观的技术沟通途径,减少因沟通不畅和理解错误导致的返工现象,提高施工作业效率,保证施工作业质量。



中图分类号:TP273;TU85                           文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)04-0166-05

Research on Electromechanical Design and Construction Deepening Design Based on BIM Technology

XU Yong

(Shanghai Urban-construction Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200126,China)

Abstract:Combined with the actual project case in Luoyang Metro Line 1,this paper studies the electromechanical design and the construction deepening design based on BIM technology from the perspective of BIM overall management consultation,and summarizes its implementation mode and implementation process. It discusses in detail how to integrate BIM technology with design and construction deeply. On the one hand,it makes the inspection and verification of design results and the expression of design intention more intuitive and easy to understand,and ensures the design quality. On the other hand,it also provides an intuitive way of technical communication for construction work,reduces the phenomenon of rework caused by poor communication and misunderstanding,improves the efficiency of the construction operation and ensures the quality of the construction operation.

Keywords:metro;BIM;electromechanical design;construction deepening design


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作者简介:徐勇(1986—),男,汉族,江苏淮安人,工程师, 本科,研究方向:BIM 机电信息化设计。