摘 要:为便于时钟电池更换,智能电表时钟电池正逐步由内置焊接安装方式转变为外置可插拔安装方式。中电装备山东电子有限公司供货的智能电表在电力公司验收检验过程中,发现有个别产品出现时钟电池欠压现象,经过单独测试验证,发现现有时钟电池连接方式存在缺陷,该情况在不同电能表厂家的产品中均有被检出,具有一定的普遍性。对此现象,文章进行深入分析,提出了时钟电池连接方式的改进建议,为今后产品的改进指明了方向,有利于减少智能电表时钟故障的发生,提升产品质量。
中图分类号:TM933.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)07-0162-04
Analysis and Discussion on the Connection Reliability of the External Clock Battery of the Smart Meter
LIU Baohui 1 ,REN Xiaofeng1 ,LIU Andong2 ,CAO Jian1 ,SHI Bin1
(1.CET Shandong Electronics Co.,Ltd.,Jinan 250109,China; 2.University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China)
Abstract:In order to facilitate the replacement of the clock battery,the clock battery of smart meter is gradually changing from the internal welding installation mode to the external pluggable installation mode. In the process of acceptance inspection of smart meters supplied by CET Shandong Electronics Co.,Ltd.,it is found that there is a phenomenon of clock battery under voltage in individual products. After a separate test and verification,it is found that there is a defect in the connection mode of the existing clock battery. This situation is detected in the products of different energy meter manufacturers,which has a certain universality. This paper analyzes this phenomenon deeply,and puts forward some suggestions for improving the connection mode of the clock battery,which points out the direction for the future product improvement,and is conducive to reducing the occurrence of the clock failure of the smart meter and improving the product quality.
Keywords:smart meter;clock battery;contact resistance;voltage fluctuation
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作者简介:刘保会(1964—),男,汉族,山东曹县人,高级 工程师,学士学位,研究方向:电能计量技术及质量管理;任晓锋 (1986—),男,汉族,安徽淮北人,工程师,学士学位,研究方向: 电能计量技术;刘安东(1998—),男,汉族,山东济南人,本科 在读,研究方向:接触电阻自动化测试;曹健(1978—),男,汉族, 山东济南人,工程师,学士学位,研究方向:电能计量检验试验技 术;时彬(1986—),男,汉族,山东泰安人,助理工程师,学士 学位,研究方向:电能计量技术及质量管理。