摘 要:全自动运行系统由于其安全可靠、灵活运营及节能减排等方面的优势,已成为轨道交通运行控制系统的发展方向。本文从设计原则着手,对列车全自动运行系统下的运行模式进行了梳理。指出了全自动运行模式的分类,并整合了其自动化水平、功能职责划分和场景实现操作,总结了基于全自动运行模式的系统优势。
中图分类号:U284.48 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)05-0178-03
Analysis of Operation Mode of Fully Automatic Running System
ZHANG Yunyun
(Shenzhen Metro Group Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518026,China)
Abstract:The advantages of automatic operation system,such as safety,reliability,flexible operation,energy saving and emission reduction,have become the development direction of rail transit operation control system. This article starts with the design principle and sorts out the operating mode under the fully automatic train running system. Pointed out the classification of automatic operation mode,and integrated its automation level,function division of duties and scene realization operation,and summarized the advantages of the system based on fully automatic operation mode.
Keywords:fully automatic operation system;operation mode;DTO;UTO
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