摘 要:由于镜头在制造及装配过程中必然会存在误差,而且在广角镜头的设计中不可避免的会产生非线性畸变,无法避免最直观的效果就是拍到的图像发生扭曲。为了减小畸变对图像的影响,故需要重建整个系统拍摄得到的 2D 图像信息与其对应3D 空间物体信息之间准确的对应关系。文章通过建立正确的数学校正模型,采用基于 MATLAB 内部工具箱对相机进行标定,得到相机内外参数投影矩阵关系,从而对畸变图像进行校正。
中图分类号:TP273+.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)19-0168-04
Study on Image Distortion Correction Method of CCD Large Field of View Lens in Downview System
LI Li, XIE Jinghua, WANG Hong, LI Yujia, PEN Liyang
(State-owned Changhong Machinery Factory, Guilin 541002, China)
Abstract: Due to the lens in the manufacturing and assembly process will inevitably have errors, and in the design of wideangle lens will inevitably produce nonlinear distortion, the most intuitive effect that can not avoided is the captured image is distorted. In order to reduce the influence of distortion on the image, it is necessary to reconstruct the accurate correspondence between the 2D image information captured by the whole system and the corresponding 3D space object information. In this paper, the correct mathematical correction model is established, and the camera is calibrated based on the internal toolbox of MATLAB, and the projection matrix relationship of the parameters inside and outside the camera is obtained, so as to correct the distorted image.
Keywords: photoelectric module; distortion correction; wide angle lens
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