摘 要:为了保障城轨车辆的稳定运行及车内温度的有效平衡,除了需要考虑车门结构的安全性,还需对其隔热性能提出较高的要求。文章针对一种新型城轨车门门扇结构,基于 Ansys Workbench 仿真平台,利用有限元仿真的方法,分析给定工况下门扇整体及局部区域的平均传热系数以及内表面温度分布情况,确定门扇是否能够满足隔热设计要求。分析结果表明,门扇的上档、后档和下档型材部分热量传递较大,给定工况条件下门扇整体传热系数为 5.66 W/(m2·K),能够满足车门设计要求。
中图分类号:TP391.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)22-0168-03
Research on Heat Insulating Property of Urban Rail Vehicle Door Based on Ansys Workbench
ZENG Shiwen, WANG Zujin, YANG Xinwei
(Nanjing Kangni Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210038, China)
Abstract: In order to ensure the stable operation of urban rail vehicles and the effective balance of interior temperature, in addition to considering the safety of door structure, it is also necessary to put forward higher requirements for its heat insulating property. Aiming at a new urban rail door leaf structure, based on the Ansys Workbench simulation platform and using the finite element simulation method, this paper analyzes the average heat transfer coefficient and internal surface temperature distribution of the whole and local area of the door leaf under the given working conditions, and determines whether the door leaf can meet the heat insulating design requirements. The analysis results show that the heat transfer of the upper, rear and lower profiles of the door leaf is large. Under the given working conditions, the overall heat transfer coefficient of the door leaf is 5.66 W/(m2 •K), which can meet the design requirements of the vehicle door.
Keywords: finite element simulation; urban rail vehicle; door leaf; heat insulating property
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作者简介:曾世文(1972—),男,汉族,四川简阳人,高级工程师,技术总监,硕士,研究方向:轨道车门研究;王祖进 (1988—),男,汉族,江苏连云港人,高级工程师,智能算法室主任, 博士,研究方向:轨道车门故障诊断;杨欣薇(1993—),女,汉族, 江苏南京人,嵌入式软件工程师,硕士,研究方向:机械故障诊断。