摘 要:皮革表面缺陷检测是 PVC 人造皮革行业生产过程中保障皮革质量的重要环节。针对 PVC 人造皮革生产企业存在人工检测皮革效率低、漏检率高的问题,结合计算机视觉技术和视觉分析目标检测算法,设计一套 PVC 皮革表面缺陷检测系统,对系统组成、工作原理和关键技术进行详细阐述。经测试,系统稳定运行,在工业传送带的速度为 60 m/min 的情况下,系统对缺陷的检出率能满足工业生产要求。
关键词:PVC 皮革;缺陷检测系统;计算机视觉
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(U1701266); 广东省科技计划(2019A050513011、2017B090901056); 广州市科技计划(202002030386)
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)23-0145-06
Design and Implementation of PVC Leather Defect Detection System Based on Visual Analysis
LUO Zejian, WANG Meilin, XIAO Wen, QIU Haihuan
(Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China)
Abstract: The detection of Leather surface defect is an important link to ensure leather quality in the production process of PVC artificial leather industry. Aiming at the problems of low efficiency and high missed detection rate of manual leather detection in PVC artificial leather production enterprises, combined with computer vision technology and visual analysis target detection algorithm, a set of PVC leather surface defect detection system is designed, and the system composition, working principle and key technologies are described in detail. After testing, the system operates stably. When the speed of industrial conveyor belt is 60 m/min, the detection rate of defects of system can meet the requirements of industrial production.
Keywords: PVC leather; defect detection system; computer vision
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作者简介:罗泽建(1996—),男,汉族,广西北海人,硕士研究生在读,研究方向:计算机应用、深度学习;王美林(1975—), 男,汉族,湖南安化人,副教授,博士,研究方向:物联网技术、 制造执行系统及应用、面向新工科教育的智慧学习工场技术;肖文 (1997—),男,汉族,湖南株洲人,硕士研究生在读,研究方向: 计算机应用、深度学习;邱海桓(1999—),男,汉族,广东惠州人, 硕士研究生在读,研究方向:计算机应用、深度学习。