摘 要:交通运输业的发展对国民经济具有先导作用,利用过去的货物周转量预测未来值,有利于反映物流产业发展趋势。基于国家统计局公开的 2012 年 1 月至 2020 年 12 月共 9 年中国货物周转量月度数据,分别选用简单季节 ARIMA 模型和乘积季节 ARIMA 模型进行拟合,并预测 2021 年 1 月至 12 月的货物周转量数据。使用两种模型进行预测的平均相对误差均较小,并且乘积季节模型的预测能力优于简单季节模型。
关键词:货物周转量;简单季节模型;乘积季节模型;ARIMA 模型;残差诊断
中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)03-0141-05
Short Term Prediction of China's Cargo Turnover Based on Seasonal ARIMA Model
LI Kexin
(South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China)
Abstract: The development of transportation industry plays a leading role in the national economy. Predicting the future number by using the turnover of freight traffic in the past is beneficial to reflect the development trend of logistics industry. Based on the monthly data of Chinese turnover of freight traffic from January 2012 to December 2020 altogether 9 years published by the National Bureau of Statistics, this paper selects separately simple season ARIMA model and product season ARIMA model for fitting, and predicts the data of turnover of freight traffic from January to December 2021.The average relative errors of the two types of models are all lesser, and the prediction ability of product season model is better than the simple season model.
Keywords: turnover of freight traffic; simple season model; product season model; ARIMA model; residual diagnosis
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