摘 要:随着经济的快速发展,环境污染问题越发突出,其中水污染问题是重中之重,但是清理水中垃圾单靠人力清理十分困难,水源水域中垃圾处理会出现一些不可避免的人员损伤。垃圾收集仿生鱼可以清理漂浮垃圾,不需要人来操作,可实现全自动清扫垃圾。文章详细阐述了仿真鱼的水中运动、上浮下降与转向及垃圾收集的装置设计。根据制作过程简要阐述了仿生鱼的软件编程、部分焊接制作技术及器件选取。
中图分类号:TP242;TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)05-0160-04
Simulation Fish Design for Water Garbage Collection
LEI Jie, BAI Yusheng, LIU Kailong, ZHAO Ronghai, ZHU Yuemei
(Xi’an Siyuan University, Xi’an 710038, China)
Abstract: With the rapid development of economy, the problem of environmental pollution is more and more serious, and water pollution is the top priority, but it is very difficult to clean up garbage in water by human resources, and there are some inevitable personnel injuries in garbage treatment in water sources and areas. Garbage collection bionic fish can clean up floating garbage, and it does not need people to operate. It can achieve all automatic garbage cleaning. This paper describes the motion in water, floating, down and turn of simulation fish, device design of garbage collection. it describes the software programming, partial welding production technology and device selection of bionic fish according to the manufacture process.
Keywords: bionic fish; mechanical structure; motion device; software programming; welding production; device selection
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