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基于神经网络的 ZigBee 通信抗干扰的研究
(合肥职业技术学院 信息工程与传媒学院,安徽 合肥 230013)

摘  要:因ZigBee技术的低功耗、高连接率、免许可等优势,在智能宿舍系统、工业生产、医疗数据采集等多种场合都有应用,但在这些应用环境中,Wi-Fi、蓝牙、无线蜂窝网等众多无线网络以及一些未知的电磁干扰,在传输数据过程中均会对 ZigBee通信产生一定干扰,影响信号质量,故需要对 ZigBee 免受干扰攻击做出研究。提出了一种基于学习的干扰缓解方法,该方法利用优化的小型神经网络来缓解 ZigBee 通信接收的未知干扰。仿真结果表明,该算法能够在干扰条件下对数据包进行实时解码。

关键词:ZigBee 网络;抗干扰;神经网络


基金项目:2021 年校级自然科学研究资助(2021KJB03);2021 年安徽省高校自然科学研究资助(KJ2021A1395);省级质量工程项目(2020kfkc479)

中图分类号:TN92                                          文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)10-0141-04

Research on Anti-interference of ZigBee Communication Based on Neural Network

LIU Shengyao, GAO Shuchun, YU Haixie

(School of Information Engineering and Media, Hefei Technology College, Hefei 230013, China)

Abstract: Due to the advantages of low power consumption, high connection rate and license free, ZigBee technology is used in many occasions such as intelligent dormitory system, industrial production and medical data acquisition. However, in these application environments, many wireless networks such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, wireless cellular network and some unknown electromagnetic interference will interfere with ZigBee communication in the process of data transmission and affect the signal quality, Therefore, it is necessary to study ZigBee against interference attack. A learning-based interference mitigation method is proposed. This method uses the optimized small neural network to mitigate the unknown interference received by ZigBee communication. Simulation results show that the algorithm can decode packets in real time under the interference conditions

Keywords: ZigBee network; anti-interference; neural network


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