摘 要:针对传统 AGV 搬运机器人存在交互性差、搬运货物种类单一、受限于固定路径而无法实现灵活搬运货物的问题,设计一款基于 ROS 的室内导航配送机器人。该机器人的整体系统由人机交互层、应用层和驱动层三部分组成,上位机在实现导航算法的同时为机器人提供监测功能,提高人机交互效率。通过 Gazebo 仿真和实际现场测试来验证机器人的导航和避障功能,实验结果表明该机器人在室内能够实现准确导航和自主避障,充分证明了该设计的可行性和实用性,在室内货物运输和导航避障方面具有实际应用价值。
中图分类号:TP277 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0159-06
Design of Indoor Navigation Distribution Robot Based on ROS
ZHANG Xuefeng, WANG Shiyi, LIU Ao, REN Bin, YU Yang
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problems that traditional AGV handling robots have poor interactivity, single type of goods handled, and cannot achieve flexible handling of goods due to fixed paths, an indoor navigation distribution robot based on ROS is designed. The overall system of the robot consists of three parts: the human-computer interaction layer, application layer and driver layer. The host computer provides monitoring function for the robot while realizing the navigation algorithm, so as to improve the efficiency of human-computer interaction. The navigation and obstacle avoidance functions of the robot are verified through Gazebo simulation and actual field test. The experimental results show that the robot can achieve accurate navigation and autonomous obstacle avoidance in doors, which fully proves the feasibility and practicality of the design, and has practical application value in indoor cargo transportation and navigation obstacle avoidance.
Keywords: logistics robot; embedded technology; robot operating system; path planning
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