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基于 CODESYS 平台的机器人控制器设计
(上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司,广西 柳州 545007)

摘  要:对 IPC 共享内存机制进行了研究,基于 CODESYS 平台,设计了一种同时具备机器人运动控制功能与 PLC 控制功能的控制器。首先搭建 Linux 实时系统;然后移植 CODESYS Runtime 将 PC 设备转变为基于 IEC61131-3 标准的可编程控制器;最后在底层编写共享内存功能代码并封装成功能块,实现机器人算法程序通过 CODESYS 平台与伺服驱动器通信。最终将PLC 与机器人控制器合二为一,有效地节约了成本,并且可根据生产需求定制化开发功能。



中图分类号:TP311                                            文献标识码:A                             文章编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0148-04

Design of Robot Controller Based on CODESYS Platform

XUE Haoyu, LIN Fushi, MENG Guoliang

(Saic GM Wuling Automobile Co., Ltd., Liuzhou 545007, China)

Abstract: The IPC shared memory mechanism is studied. Based on CODESYS platform, a controller with both robot motion control function and PLC control function at the same time is designed. Firstly, it builds Linux real-time system. Secondly, it transplants CODESYS Runtime to transform PC devices into programmable controllers based on IEC61131-3 standard. Finally, it writes the shared memory function code in the bottom layer and encapsulates it into the function blocks to realize the robot algorithm program to communicate with the servo driver through the CODESYS platform.Finally, PLC and robot controller are integrated into one, effectively saving the cost, and can be customized according to the production needs of the development function.

Keywords: Linux; CODESYS; robot algorithm; shared memory


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