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(深圳市市政设计研究院有限公司,广东 深圳 518029)

摘  要:鉴于软土地区地铁地下区间联络通道及废水泵房采用传统的矿山法人工开挖,极易发生透水、坍塌甚至人员掩埋等严重灾害,研究了在地铁地下区间联络通道及废水泵房采用机械法施工的前提下,废水泵房采用分建式主隧道竖井结构的创新设置方案,以保证施工安全;对传统的与联络通道合建的废水泵房进行了优化,采用合建式联络通道平布结构泵房布置形式,有效减少了废水泵房集水井的开挖深度从而降低了施工风险。



中图分类号:TP39                                          文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)20-0180-04

Innovative Research on the Setting of Wastewater Pump House in Underground Subway

DAI Dongqiong

(Shenzhen Municipal Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518029, China)

Abstract: In view of the fact that serious disasters such as water penetration, collapse and even personnel burial are prone to occur due to the traditional mining method for manual excavation of the subway underground section connection channel and wastewater pump house in soft soil area, this paper studies that the wastewater pump house adopts the innovative setting scheme of the separate construction of the main tunnel shaft structure to ensure the construction safety under the premise of subway underground section connection channel and wastewater pump house are constructed by mechanical method. The traditional wastewater pump house combined with the connection channel is optimized, and the flat structure pump house layout form of the combined connection channel is adopted, which effectively reduces the excavation depth of the sump well of the wastewater pump house and reduces the construction risk.

Keywords: subway engineering; underground section; mechanical method construction; wastewater pump house; connection channel


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