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STM32 自动抽水系统教学设计
(湖南理工职业技术学院,湖南 湘潭 411105)

摘  要:在 STM32 教学中,对自动抽水项目进行设计:低于预定水位则在用电峰谷抽水,抽水到最高水位停止;当用水量较大且没来得及在用电峰谷抽水就已经达到最低水位,则立即抽水,到预抽水水位停止。系统涉及电源参数选择、最小系统设计、人机交互模块、继电器控制单元、菜单设计及超声波模块设计等知识,最后系统经过调试和测试,水位误差在可接受范围内实现了项目要求。该项目设计寓教于乐,培养了学生的系统思维。




中图分类号:TP368                                             文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2022)20-0187-05

Teaching Design of STM32 Automatic Pumping System

LI Hui, ZHOU Wei

(Hunan Vocational Institute of Technology, Xiangtan 411105, China)

Abstract: In the STM32 teaching, this paper designs the automatic pumping project. If the water level is lower than the predetermined water level, the water will be pumped in the peak valley of power consumption and stopped at the highest water level. If the water consumption is large and the water has reached the lowest water level before the water is pumped in the peak valley of power consumption, the water will be pumped immediately and stopped at the pre pumping water level. The system involves power parameter selection, minimum system design, human-computer interaction module, relay control unit, menu design, ultrasonic module design and other knowledge. Finally, the system is debugged and tested, and the water level error is within the acceptable range, which has realized the project requirements. The project design combines teaching with fun, and cultivates students’ systematic thinking.

Keywords: teaching design; ultrasonic; automatic pumping


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