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基于 Flexsim 的棉纺企业原棉库作业仿真研究
(1. 山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034;2. 北京石油化工学院,北京 102617)

摘  要:为了规范棉纺企业原棉出、入库及在库管理控制工作,提升原棉库管理水平,确保原棉库物流工作的科学有效,针对原棉库作业流程复杂多变,传统方法提升管理难以奏效的状况,采用基于 Flexsim 的建模仿真方法,对物料出入库及在库管理的作业流程进行了建模仿真,对模型布局、实体连接、参数设置进行较为详细的论述。通过运行仿真模型,借助运行数据及仪表,有助于原棉库管理人员科学合理的安排、协调原棉装卸搬运工作。



基金项目:2022 年度智慧物流与供应链研究中心研究成果(2022HYWL10);2021-2022 学年第一学期校级课堂教学改革试点课程(2021KG-29)

中图分类号:TP391.9                                     文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0140-05

Research on Simulation of Raw Cotton Warehouse Operation in Cotton Spinning Enterprises Based on Flexsim

SUN Chengwei 1, SUN Wentao2

(1.Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China; 2.Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing 102617, China)

Abstract: in order to standardize the management and control work of raw cotton in and out of the warehouse and in the warehouse of cotton spinning enterprises, improve the management level of raw cotton warehouse, and ensure the scientific and effective logistics work of raw cotton warehouse, in view of the complex and changeable operation process of raw cotton warehouse and the situation of difficulty of traditional methods to improve the management, this paper adopts the modeling and simulation method based on Flexsim to model and simulate the operation process of material in and out of the warehouse and in the warehouse management, and the model layout, entity connection and parameter setting is discussed in detail. Through the operation of simulation model, with the help of operation of data and instruments, it is helpful for the raw cotton warehouse managers to scientifically and reasonably arrange and coordinate the raw cotton loading, unloading and handling work.

Keywords: Flexsim; raw cotton warehouse; modeling; simulation


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