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(苏州市职业大学,江苏 苏州 215104)

摘  要:文章以 2021 年江苏省机器人大赛阵地攻防赛项为依托,首先简要介绍竞赛场地与自动巡线机器人的控制系统框图,接着从机器人机械驱动、巡线传感器、机器人系统重要硬件及巡线算法四个方面进行机器人系统的设计与研究。巡线算法是研究的重点,对机器人与引导线两者的相对位置进行分析,得出机器人巡线过程中的三种状态,并通过 RGB 巡线传感器将三种工作状态量化,最后设计 PID 控制方案,实现机器人快速、稳定、准确地巡线。



基金项目:江苏省高等教育教改研究课题(2021JSJG176);江苏省教育科学“十四五”规划课题(D20210312);江苏省高水平专业群建设项目(电气自动化技术专业群 2021—75);苏州市职业大学校级课题(202105000036)

中图分类号:TP242                                     文献标识码:A                                         文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0145-04

Design and Implementation of Automatic Line Patrol Mobile Robot

ZHAO Cheng, HU Jie

(Suzhou Vocational University, Suzhou 215104, China)

Abstract: Based on the offensive and defensive competition of Jiangsu robot competition in 2021, this paper first briefly introduces the control system block diagram of the competition grounds and automatic line patrol robot, and then designs and studies the robot system from four aspects: robot mechanical drive, line patrol sensor, important hardware of the robot system and line patrol algorithm. The line patrol algorithm is the focus of the research. The relative positions of the robot and the guide line are analyzed to obtain three states in the line patrol process of the robot, and the three working states are quantified through the RGB line patrol sensor. Finally, the PID control scheme is designed to realize the rapid, stable and accurate line patrol of robot.

Keywords: line patrol; mobile robot; design


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