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(湖南工商大学 计算机学院,湖南 长沙 410205)

摘  要:针对现有聋哑人交流困难的问题,文章设计并实现了基于智能眼镜与云服务的聋哑人交流系统。该系统通过智能眼镜平台采集聋哑人的手势和正常人的语音,利用部署在云服务器上的手语识别模型和语音识别模型完成识别,并将识别结果发送至用户智能眼镜,通过所设计的对话交流子模块为用户提供无障碍交流。该系统采用数据缓冲处理可达到实时性要求,采用深度神经网络模型可使手语和语音的识别率分别达到 95.37% 和 97.3%,可广泛应用于聋哑人交流。




中图分类号:TP391.4                                   文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0151-03

Design of Deaf-mutes Communication System Based on Smart Glasses and Cloud Service

XIE Benqi, JIANG Huan, LIU Youyu, JIANG Lin

(School of Computer Science, Hunan Technology and Business University, Changsha 410205, China)

Abstract: To address difficulty of the existing deaf-mutes communication, we design and implement a deaf-mutes communication system based on smart glasses and cloud services. In this system, we use smart glasses platform to collect deaf-mutes gestures and normal person speech. The sign language recognition models and speech recognition model which are deployed on the cloud server are used to complete recognition, and the recognition results are sent to use's smart glasses. Provide users with barrier free communication through the designed dialogue and communication sub module. The system can meet the real-time requirement by using data buffer processing, and the recognition rate of sign language and speech can reach 95.37% and 97.3% respectively by using deep neural network model, which can be widely used in the communication of deaf-mutes.

Keywords: sign language recognition; speech recognition; cloud service; Bluetooth communication


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