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(常州数控技术研究所,江苏 常州 213164)

摘  要:针对高铁接触网腕臂全自动生产线应用中,需要以在线喷印的方式,在每一根腕臂外表面动态的喷印定位图形、文字标识和唯一二维码等溯源信息,提出了一种基于 LINX8940 喷码机,结合上位工控机根据数据表动态生成喷印数据,应用网络通信技术,利用喷码机远程通信接口,通过指令命令序列通信交互的方式,调度喷码机动态切换喷印信息,与生产线 PLC 控制系统配合,实现了腕臂三类信息的切换喷码作业,提高了腕臂全自动生产线的信息化水平。



中图分类号:TP242                                         文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0157-03

Application of Dynamic Printing Control of Cantilever Production Line Based on Network

ZHUANG Yuanchang

(Changzhou Institute of CNC Technology, Changzhou 213164, China)

Abstract: Aiming at the application of high-speed railway catenary cantilever full-automatic production line, it is necessary to dynamically print the traceability information such as positioning graphics, text identification and unique two-dimensional code on the outer surface of each cantilever by means of online printing, this paper proposes a method based on LINX8940 printer, which combines with the upper Industrial Personal Computer to dynamically generate printing data according to the data table, applies network communication technology, and uses the printer remote communication interface. Through the interactive mode of command sequence communication, the scheduling printer dynamically switches the printing information, and cooperates with the PLC control system of the production line to realize the switching printing work of three types of information of the cantilever, which improves the informatization level of the cantilever full-automatic production line. 

Keywords: dynamically printing; network; cantilever production line; printer


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