摘 要:对于智慧园区发展而言,规划招商是一个永恒的课题,“规划难”“招商难”目前已经成为行业内普遍面临的问题。智慧园区投资项目具有参与者众多、项目数量多、持续性强的特点。为此,利用“北斗网格码”建立投资项目信息库,为项目监管赋能价值,通过项目填报、业务协同、项目催报、责任考评等模块,搭建智慧园区项目全流程监管系统,优化工作流程,实现项目的规范化、信息化、精细化管理,提高工作效率和服务质量,创新项目监管新模式。
中图分类号:TP39 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)03-0139-05
Research on the Whole Process Supervision System of Wisdom Park Projects Based on“BeiDou Grid Location Code”
CHEN Yuanyuan
(Xiamen Jingtu Information Technology Co., Ltd., Xiamen 361008, China)
Abstract: For the development of wisdom park, planning and investment attraction is an eternal topic. The “planning difficulties” and “investment attraction difficulties” have become common problems in the industry. The investment project in the wisdom park has the characteristics of numerous participants, large number of projects and strong persistence. So, this paper uses “BeiDou grid location code” to establish investment project information database and empower value for project supervision. Through the modules of project filling, business collaboration, project expediting and responsibility evaluation, it builds a whole process supervision system of wisdom park projects, optimizes the workflow, realizes standardized, information and refined management of the project, improves work efficiency and service quality, and innovates the new mode of project supervision.
Keywords: wisdom park; BeiDou grid location code; investment project; whole process project supervision; GIS
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