摘 要:文章基于图像识别技术设计一款可移动的智能垃圾清洁分类小车,该小车能够在行进过程中自动识别垃圾,实现垃圾清洁分类。以 Arduino mega 2560 为主控板,借助 K210 图像识别装置,采用基于卷积神经网络的算法对垃圾图像进行识别与分类,并在液晶屏上显示识别与分类结果,语音提醒垃圾桶装满信息。测试结果表明,该文设计的智能垃圾分类小车识别分类准确率高,运行平稳顺畅
基金项目:岭南师范学院教学质量与教学改革工程建设项目(岭师教务〔2020〕81 号);广东省高职教育改革研究与实践项目(GDJG2021368);岭南师范学院—北京三清互联科技有限公司实践教学基地(岭师教务〔2021〕165 号)
中图分类号:TP391.4;X705 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)03-0143-04
Design of Intelligent Garbage Sorting Car Based on Image Recognition
WU Hongyan, XU Dongping, GAN Shangyan
(School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang 524048, China)
Abstract: Based on the image recognition technology, this paper designs a mobile intelligent garbage cleaning and classification car, which can automatically identify garbage in the process of traveling and realize garbage cleaning and classification. The Arduino mega 2560 is used as the main control board, and the K210 image recognition device is used to recognize and classify the garbage images using the algorithm based on convolutional neural network, and the results are displayed on the LCD screen to voice alert the trash can of full information. The test results show that the intelligent garbage sorting car designed in this paper has high recognition and classification accuracy and smooth operation.
Keywords: image recognition; intelligent car; garbage classification
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