摘 要:在“互联网+”模式新驾培时代的背景下,中智仿真科技有限公司(简称“中智仿真”)向人们展现了其独特的汽车模拟驾驶文化。中智仿真认为,新时代应该有新时代的学车方式,必须将创新、智能、安全、阳光经营等特质结合在一起,利用大数据、云计算等新兴技术,以展现安全驾驶产品理念。同时高度仿真,极致驾驶体验,是模拟学车的“不二之选”。模拟驾驶培训技术具有深远的社会价值和作用,需要进一步研究和发掘,才能在时代与市场的巨大挑战下继续发展。
中图分类号:U471;TP391.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)07-0181-02
Research on the Application of“Internet plus”Simulation Driving Training inDriving Training
XIE Chuhan,XIE Hualin,LI Jiexin,LI Ying,LAI Mingcong,LI Changcun
(Guangdong Baiyun University,Guangzhou 510450,China)
Abstract:In the“Internet plus”new driving culture era,Zhongzhi Simulation Technology Co.,Ltd.,(referred to as“Zhongzhi Simulation”)to show people the unique culture of automobile driving simulation. Zhongzhi Simulation believes that the new era should have a new way of learning,it is necessary to combine innovation,intelligence,security,sunshine management and
other characteristics,using big data,cloud platform emerging technology to show the concept of safe driving products. At the same time,high degree of simulation and extreme driving experience are the“best choice”for simulating learning vehicles. The simulation driving training technology has a far-reaching social value and role,and it needs further research and exploration to continue to develop under the great challenge of the times and the market.
Keywords:internet;simulated driving;green development
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