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6-RUS 并联机构动力学建模与分析
(北华航天工业学院 电子与控制工程学院,河北 廊坊 065000)

摘  要:提出一种可以作为多自由度隔振平台良好构型的 6-RUS 并联机构,通过矢量求导法得到速度雅可比矩阵,利用动能定理求解并联机器人质量矩阵,对由 N 个刚体组成的系统与刚性杆分别进行虚功分析,并采用此方法对该机构进行动力学建模与分析。代入结构参数进行数值仿真,得到 6-RUS 并联机构三维仿真图和驱动力矩。研究结果为后续实现对多自由度隔振平台的动力学实时控制提供了理论依据。



中图分类号:TP391.9;TH113.2                           文献标识码:A                               文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0143-06

Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of 6-RUS Parallel Mechanism 

SU Bohe, ZHOU Wanyong, SHI Wanying, ZHANG Wenrui, ZHANG Qi

(School of Electornic and Control Engineering, North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Langfang 065000, China)

Abstract: A 6-RUS parallel mechanism that can be used as a good configuration for a multi-degree-of-freedom vibration isolation platform is proposed. The velocity jacobi matrix is obtained by the vector derivative method, the parallel robot mass matrix is solved by using the kinetic energy theorem, the system consisting of N rigid bodies with rigid rods is analyzed for virtual work separately. And this paper uses this method to product dynamic modeling and analysis of the mechanism. The structural parameters are substituted for numerical simulation to obtain 3D simulation diagram and driving moments of the 6-RUS parallel mechanism. The research results provide a theoretical basis for the subsequent realization of the dynamics real-time control of the multi-degree-of-freedom vibration isolation platform.

Keywords: parallel mechanism; jacobi matrix; principle of virtual work; dynamic modeling


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