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面向无支撑 3D 打印的近似金字塔形状分解
周钰琛 1 ,黄嘉诚 1 ,岳兴春 1 ,彭勇 1 ,宋威 2
(1. 江南大学 物联网工程学院,江苏 无锡 214122;2. 江南大学 人工智能与计算机学院,江苏 无锡 214122)

摘  要:FDM 法是当前 3D 打印中应用最广泛的方法之一,该方法有许多优点,但也存在的需要添加支撑结构才能打印悬垂部分的缺点。针对该缺点,设计了一种近似金字塔形状分解的方法,通过采样平面对模型进行分区,构建点的分类投票矩阵,通过 kd-tree 加速的分区聚类算法对模型进行分解。结果表明,该分解方法能成功将原模型分解为若干不需要支撑即可进行 3D打印的部分。

关键词:3D 打印;无支撑;采样平面;DBSCAN 聚类;投票矩阵


中图分类号:TP391                                          文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0149-05

Approximate Pyramid Shape Decomposition for Support-Free 3D Printing

ZHOU Yuchen1, HUANG Jiacheng1, YUE Xingchun1, PENG Yong1, SONG Wei 2

(1.School of Internet of Things, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China; 2.School of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China)

Abstract: The FDM method is currently one of the most widely used methods in 3D printing. This method has many advantages, but also has the disadvantage of requiring the addition of support structures to print overhangs. Aiming at this shortcoming, a method of approximate pyramid shape decomposition is designed. The model is partitioned by sampling planes, the classification voting matrix of points is constructed, and the model is decomposed by the kd-tree accelerated partition clustering algorithm. The results show that this decomposition method can successfully decompose the original model into several parts that can be 3D printed without support. 

Keywords: 3D printing; support-free; sampling plane; DBSCAN clustering; voting matrix


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