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DIY 车辆的抬头显示模型研究
黄道燚 1,2,陈敏敏 1,2
(1. 汕尾职业技术学院,广东 汕尾 516600;2. 汕尾市海洋产业研究院,广东 汕尾 516600)

摘  要:随着人们生活的提高和汽车的快速普及,汽车的车载元素越来越丰富,抬头显示(HUD)是一种以往只能在高级汽车上安装的装置,逐渐向普通车辆发展和普及。大部分人喜欢性价比高,车型新颖的汽车,其中一部分乐于动手的青年更喜欢购买低配的汽车版本,然后自己对汽车的内饰、功能等进行 DIY 设计。文章讲述设计一套针对 DIY 功能车辆的 HUD 系统模型,该模型除了普通 HUD 具有的温度、车速、时间等显示功能外,还具备有手势控制音乐播放、氛围灯等年轻人喜欢的新功能,具有推广和应用的价值

关键词:HUD;手势控制;DIY 车辆;单片机


基金项目:汕尾市电子信息产业人才振兴计划专项资金“基于 AI 抬头显示技术的研究”;2020 年度广东省普通高校特色创新项目(2020KTSCX317)

中图分类号:TP368;TN91                             文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0153-04

Research on HUD Model of DIY Vehicles

HUANG Daoyi 1,2, CHEN Minmin1,2

(1.Shanwei Institute of Technology, Shanwei 516600, China; 2.Shanwei Marine Industry Institute, Shanwei 516600, China)

Abstract: With the improvement of people's lives and the rapid popularization of vehicles, the on-board elements of vehicles are becoming more and more abundant. HUD (Head Up Display) , a device that can only be installed on high-end vehicles in the past, is gradually developing and popularizing to ordinary vehicles. Most people like vehicles with high cost performance and novel models. Some young people who are willing to do their own work prefer to buy vehicles with low configuration and DIY (Do It Yourself) the interior and functions. This paper describes the design of a HUD system model for DIY function vehicle. In addition to the temperature, speed, time and other display functions of ordinary HUDs, this model also has gesture control music playing, atmosphere lights and other new functions that young people like, and has the value of promotion and application.

Keywords: HUD; gesture control; DIY vehicle; Single-Chip Microcontroller 


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