摘 要:很多制造企业都在进行ERP 系统建设,将ERP 软件与条码技术结合,实现ERP 系统部分信息和业务数据的输入由从手工录入操作转变成条码扫描操作,从而极大提高数据录入的效率,确保ERP 系统主要信息录入的及时性和准确性,进而实现业务流、实物流与信息流的同步和统一。
关键词:条码技术;立体库;仓库管理;制造业;ERP 系统
中图分类号:TP391.44 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)02-0168-03
Application of Bar Code Technology in ERP System of Manufacturing Industry
(Changde Tobacco Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Changde 415000,China)
Abstract:Many manufacturing enterprises are carrying out ERP system construction,combining ERP software with bar code technology to realize the input process of some information and business data of ERP system,from manual input operation to bar code scanning operation,thus greatly improving the efficiency of data input and ensuring the timeliness of main information input of ERP system,and accuracy,so as to realize the synchronization and unification of business flow,real logistics and information flow.
Keywords:bar code technology;stereoscopic storehouse;warehouse management;manufacturing industry;ERP system
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作者简介:邓俊(1979.10-),男,汉族,湖南常德人,软件技术员,工程师,毕业于中国管理软件学院,本科,研究方向:ERP 系统开发。