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基于遗传算法对PID 控制器参数的整定
(沈阳工业大学辽阳分校,辽宁 辽阳 111003)

摘  要:PID 控制算法结构简单,鲁棒性强,它在工业控制中处于主导地位。如何设定PID 控制器的控制参数,是PID 实际应用过程中面临的一大难题。本文通过利用基本遗传算法去整定PID 控制器参数,通过MATLAB 仿真说明基本遗传算法PID控制效果优于传统方法的控制效果。

关键词:PID 控制;遗传算法;MATLAB

中图分类号:TP273;TP181         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)02-0171-02

Parameter Tuning of PID Controller Based on Genetic Algorithms
GAO Cheng,PANG Jiateng
(Shenyang University of Technology,Liaoyang,Liaoyang 111003,China)

Abstract:The PID control algorithm has simple structure and strong robustness. It plays a leading role in industrial control. How to set the control parameters of the PID controller is a major problem in the practical application of the PID controller. In this paper,the basic genetic algorithm is used to tune the parameters of the PID controller. The simulation of MATLAB shows that the control effect of the basic genetic algorithm is better than that of the traditional method.

Keywords:PID control;genetic algorithm;MATLAB


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