摘 要:整体设计,有利用工业产品设计进行整体性的设计和创造性的设计,特别是对于产品的外形设计。整体设计是一种高效的设计方式,“牵一发而动全身”,修改某个零件的某个尺寸,其他对应的零件可以随之而动,极大地提高了工作效率,大大缩短了产品的设计研发周期。整体设计思想在现代工业产品设计中被广泛的采用,我们需要精通和掌握。
中图分类号:TP391.72 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)02-0173-02
Integral Design of Iron-absorbing Table Lamp Based on Autodesk Inventor
XU Xingjiong
(Anhui Auto Industry School,Hefei 231131,China)
Abstract:Integral design is the use of industrial product design for overall design and creative design,especially for product shape design. It is an efficient design method,“pull the whole body in one shot”,modify a certain size of a part,other parts and their corresponding can follow,greatly improve work efficiency,greatly shorten the product design and development cycle,the overall design idea is widely used in modern industrial product design. We need to be proficient and master.
Keywords:overall design;industrial product design;multi-entity;modeling;up-bottom;bottom-up
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