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(南京航空航天大学,江苏 南京 211106)

摘  要:在微电网中,储能系统对分布式能源的不稳定性起到了重要的补偿作用。但在电池储能系统中,这种不确定的功率波动会严重影响电池的使用寿命。超级电容具有非常好的循环充放电寿命,将其与蓄电池一起组成混合储能系统,可形成优势互补。而混合储能系统中最关键的就是如何协调电池与电容之间的功率流向,因此必须建立合理的能量管理策略以保证系统的稳定运行。


中图分类号:TP311        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0034-03

Research on Control Strategy of Energy Management for Microgrid Hybrid Energy Storage System


(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 211106,China)

Abstract:In microgrid,energy storage system plays an important role in compensating the instability of distributed energy. But in the battery energy storage system,this uncertain power fluctuation will seriously affect the service life of the battery. Supercapacitor has a very good cycle charge and discharge life. It can be combined with batteries to form a hybrid energy storage system,which has both advantages. The key of hybrid energy storage system is how to coordinate the power flow between battery and capacitor,therefore,a reasonable energy management strategy must be established to ensure the stable operation of the system.

Keywords:hybrid energy storage;microgrid;energy management strategy


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作者简介:高宇(1993.09-),男,汉族,江苏泰州人,硕 士研究生,研究方向:电力电子与电力传动。