摘 要:在两种测量站布局的情况下,本文给出了几何精度因子(Geometric Dilution of Precision,GDOP)分布图。当辐射源在几何区域中心时,GDOP 值比较低,几何布局造成的定位误差比较小。选取几何中心的圆形区域,比较了六种TDOA多站定位算法(包括Chan 算法、泰勒算法、LCLS 算法、牛顿算法、修正牛顿算法、CTLS 算法)的性能,分析每种算法的优劣,考虑到工程应用中的定位精度和计算复杂度,仿真结果表明,泰勒算法比较适用于多站定位。
中图分类号:TN961 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0025-03
The Performance Comparison of Multi-Station TDOA Localization Algorithms
HU Zheng,GUO Liqiang,BU Xiaonan,ZHANG Bo,JIANG Weijian,SONG Xiangrun
(The 41st Research Institute of CETC,Qingdao 266555,China)
Abstract:In the case of two kinds of station layouts,here the distribution map of GDOP is presented. When the radiation source is distributed in the center area of the geometry,the value of GDOP is relatively low and the positioning errors caused by geometric layout are also small. The performance of six TDOA multi-station location algorithms (including Chan algorithm,Taylor algorithm,LCLS algorithm,Newton algorithm,modified Newton algorithm and CTLS algorithm)is compared by choosing the circular area with geometric center. The advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm are analyzed. Considering the location accuracy and computational complexity in engineering application,the simulation results show that Taylor algorithm is more suitable for multistation positioning.
Keyword:TDOA location;GDOP;multi-station localization;Taylor algorithm
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