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100W 恒功率恒温电子烟的设计与实现
(广州立功科技股份有限公司,广东 广州 510660)

摘  要:由于传统香烟对人体健康有一定损害,所以电子烟作为传统香烟的替代者,就是为了要减少人们对它的依赖,在替代过程中面临的最核心挑战是如何对烟油进行加热控制,使产生的口感达到接近传统香烟的效果。本文从电子烟的两种加热控制方式出发,分别介绍对电子烟的加热控制原理、恒功率和恒温加热的设计与实现,同时又对电子烟的安全保护以及未来的发展趋势做了简要的分析。


中图分类号:TN722.75         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0048-04

Design and Implementation of 100W Constant Power Constant Temperature E-cigarette

FAN Panfeng,LING Jianhong

(ZLG Technology Corp.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510660,China)

Abstract:As traditional cigarettes are harmful to human health,e-cigarettes as an alternative to traditional cigarettes are to reduce people’s dependence on them. The core challenge in the process of substitution is how to control the heating of cigarette oil to produce a taste similar to that of traditional cigarettes. Starting from two heating control modes of e-cigarette,this paper introduces the heating control principle,constant power and constant temperature heating design and implementation of e-cigarette,and briefly analyzes the security protection and future development trend of e-cigarette.

Keywords:electronic technology;constant power constant temperature control;automatic control;Buck-Boost;e-cigarettes


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