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(1. 五邑大学 数学与计算科学学院,广东 江门 529020;2. 五邑大学 智能制造学部,广东 江门 529020)

摘  要:无人机的制导技术应用广泛,发展较为成熟的是军事上的制导技术,民用方面的应用近几年才逐渐发展起来,制导技术的民用化还需加强研究。激光制导、红外成像制导和高精度的电视制导价格高昂并且适用于军事。针对以上问题,本文提出一种成本较低、快速识别的电视制导技术。基于目前业界公认的快速高效的核相关滤波追踪算法,实现实时的目标识别追踪功能,并且结合PID 控制算法,应用于无人机系统。在实地进行一系列实验,实验结果证明本文的制导方案切实可行、准确度高并且能够实现击中目标的目的。

关键词:核相关滤波;目标追踪;PID 控制算法;无人机系统;电视制导

中图分类号:TP391.41;TN713         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0025-05

An UAV TV Guidance Technology Based on Kernel-correlation Filter Tracking Algorithms

QIU Minqing1,HUANG Xun2,YE Kun2,LI Hexi2

(1.School of Mathematics and Computational Science,Wuyi University,Jiangmen 529020,China;2.Faculty of Intelligent Manufacturing,Wuyi University,Jiangmen 529020,China)

Abstract:The guidance technology of UAV is widely used,and the more mature development is the military guidance technology.The civilian use has gradually developed in recent years,and the civilian use of guidance technology needs to be strengthened. Laser guidance,infrared imaging guidance and high-precision TV guidance are expensive and suitable for military use. In view of the above problems,this paper proposes a low-cost,fast-recognition TV guidance technology. Based on the fast and efficient kernel correlation filter tracking algorithm recognized in the industry,real-time target recognition and tracking function is realized,and combined with PID control algorithm,it is applied to the UAV system,and a series of experiments are carried out in the field. The experimental results show that the guidance scheme proposed in this paper is feasible,accurate and can achieve the goal of hitting the target.

Keywords:kernel correlation filtering;target tracking;PID control algorithm;UAV system;TV guidance


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