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​新时期 10 kV 配网线路降损治理分析
(广东电网有限责任公司茂名化州供电局,广东 化州 525100)

摘  要:新时期,供电企业更加注重提升管理质量。针对 10 kV 配电网的管理,需要采取有效措施加强线路管理,降低线损引发的电能消耗,以提升供电企业的效益水平。10 kV 配电网加强线损管理需要分析线损发生的原因,以采取有针对性地治理措施,保证管理的方向性。针对线损,分析了存在的影响因素,然后采取相应的治理措施,以提升线损的管理效果。

关键词:10 kV 配电网;线路降损;线路治理

中图分类号:TM714.3         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0051-03

Analysis on Loss Reduction of 10 kV Distribution Line in the New Era


(Maoming Huazhou Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Huazhou 525100,China)

Abstract:In the new era,power supply enterprises pay more attention to improving management quality. For the management of 10 kV distribution network,effective measures should be taken to strengthen line management and reduce the power consumption caused by line loss,so as to improve the efficiency level of power supply enterprises. In order to strengthen the line loss management of 10 kV distribution network,it is necessary to analyze the causes of line loss and take targeted measures to ensure the direction of management. In view of line loss,the paper analyzes the existing influencing factors,and then takes corresponding measures to improve the management effect of line loss.

Keywords:10 kV distribution network;line loss reduction;line management


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