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(斑马网络技术有限公司,上海 201100)

摘  要:停车场出入口是基础地图数据,采用传统人工采集方式时效性差。根据车辆进出地下停车场时 GPS 信号状态改变的特性,融合 DR 轨迹、车辆状态、陀螺仪倾角等多传感器数据,提出一种众包地图构建方法,使用 DBSCAN 聚类及多边形生成算法,挖掘出地下停车场区域范围、出入口及其通行方向。结果表明,该方法提取的出入口数据准确度高,应用于地图数据生产中可实现数据动态更新。导航时将起终点绑定到出入口道路上,可提供最优路线,指引用户进出停车场,改善用户体验。


中图分类号:U491.7+1;TP311.52         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0054-04

The Crowdsourcing Method and Application for Gateway of Underground Parking Lot

JIANG Minfeng

(Banma Network Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201100,China)

Abstract:The gateway to the underground parking lot is basic map data. It’s difficult to guarantee data freshness under manual data collection conditions. According to the characteristics of GPS signal state change when vehicles enter and leave the underground parking lot,and the multi-sensor data such as DR track,vehicle state and gyroscope angle are integrated,a method of building crowdsourcing map is proposed. DBSCAN clustering and polygon generation algorithm are used to excavate the area range,entrance and exit of the underground parking lot and its traffic direction. The results show that the accuracy of gateway extracted by using this method is high. Application in map data production can implement dynamic data update. During navigation,the start and end points are bound to the access road,which can provide the best route,guide users to enter and exit the parking lot,and improve the user experience.

Keywords:vehicle trajectory;density clustering;gateway of parking lot;multi-sensor fusion;terminal navigation


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作者简介:蒋民锋(1978-),男,汉族,江西新余人,毕业于南京大学地图学与地理信息系统专业,硕士,LBS 部门经理,研究方向:LBS 数据挖掘及地图引擎研发。