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(国家广播电视总局二0 二二台,新疆 喀什 844000)

摘  要:检修工具在广播发射机房的检修工作中意义非凡,其中因单次使用前需充电的检修手灯数量较多,原装充电器与固定的充电插座位置局限直接导致检修工作效率的下降,同时为响应节约型电台的新模式,充分发挥太阳能电池的优势,将太阳能发电技术和无线充电技术相结合,基于89C51 单片机实现两者之间的控制与协调工作,实现给设备充电的目的。结果证明该设计可以实现检修手灯太阳能无线充电功能,但充电效率仍需提高,需要日后进一步进行改进。


中图分类号:TM910.6;TP368.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)22-0058-04

Design of a Solar Wireless Charger for Radio Transmitter Room

MA Kerong

(State Administration of Radio and Television 2022,Kashgar 844000,China)

Abstract:Maintenance tools are of great significance in the maintenance work of the radio transmitter room. Because of the large number of maintenance hand lamps that need to be charged before a single use,the original charger and the fixed charging socket location directly lead to the decline of the maintenance efficiency. At the same time,in order to respond to the new model of economical radio, give full play to the advantages of solar cells,combine solar power technology and wireless charging technology,based on 89C51 singlechip microcomputer to achieve control and coordination between the two,to achieve the purpose of charging equipment. The results show that the design can realize the function of solar wireless charging for maintenance hand lamp,but the charging efficiency still needs to be improved,which needs to be better in the future.

Keywords:solar energy;single-chip microcomputer;wireless charging;maintenance hand lamp


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