摘 要:光电经纬仪主要用于对目标的实况拍摄和定向测量,其动态测角精度直接影响着对目标交会定位的精准程度,参试前需要鉴定测角精度。根据测控要求和靶场实际条件,提出基于GPS 作为鉴定标准的光电经纬仪动态测角精度校飞方法。试验结果表明设备跟踪稳定,测量数据平滑,动态测角精度满足设计指标,具备参试条件。从多次完成任务和数据处理结果看,该方法切实可行,可以对测角精度做出评价,为接收和拒收提供判断依据。
中图分类号:TN98 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)22-0061-04
Method of Dynamic Angle Measurement Precision Inspection Flight for Photoelectric Theodolite Based on GPS
LIU Yong,WEI Guojun,YAN Long
(PLA Strategic Support Force University of Aerospace Engineering,Beijing 101400,China)
Abstract:Photoelectric theodolite is mainly used for live shooting and orientation measurement of targets,and its dynamic angle measurement accuracy directly affects the accuracy of target intersection and positioning,so it is necessary to identify the angle measurement accuracy before the test. According to the requirements of measurement and control and the actual conditions of shooting range,a photoelectric theodolite dynamic angle accuracy inspection flight method based on GPS as the identification standard is proposed. The test results show that the tracking of the equipment is stable,the measurement data is smooth,the precision of dynamic angle measurement meets the design index,and it has the test condition. From the results of many tasks and data processing,the method is feasible,which can evaluate the accuracy of angle measurement and provide judgment basis for receiving and rejecting.
Keywords:UAV;inspection flight;accuracy evaluation
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