摘 要:基于90 nm GaAs PHEMT 工艺设计了一款二次倍频器芯片,通过探针台对芯片性能进行了评估。倍频器芯片输 入频率为9 ~ 15 GHz,输出频率为18 ~ 30 GHz。芯片电路中包含了输入、输出两级驱动放大器、一个二次倍频器和一个带通滤波器,可以实现将典型输入功率为3 dBm 的9 ~ 15 GHz 的输入信号倍频输出为功率大于15 dBm 的18 ~ 30 GHz 的二倍频输出信号,并且输出的二倍频信号对基波信号的抑制度可以达到30 dBc 以上。倍频器芯片的尺寸为1.9 mm×1.2 mm。
中图分类号:TN771 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)23-0025-04
Design of Second Frequency Multiplier Chip Based on 90 nm GaAs PHEMT Process
REN Xuan
(The 14th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Nanjing 210013,China)
Abstract:Based on 90 nm GaAs PHEMT process,a second frequency multiplier chip is designed,and the performance of the chip is evaluated by the probe station. The input frequency of the frequency multiplier chip is 9 ~ 15 GHz and the output frequency is 18 ~ 30 GHz. The chip circuit contains of an input and output two-stage driver amplifier,a second frequency multiplier and a band-pass filter,which can double the input signal of 9 ~ 15 GHz with a typical input power of 3 dBm to the output signal of 18 ~ 30 GHz with a power greater than 15 dBm,and the suppression of the output second frequency multiplier signal to the fundamental signal can reach more than 30 dBc. The size of the frequency multiplier chip is 1.9 mm×1.2 mm.
Keywords:GaAs;PHEMT;frequency multiplier;chip;harmonic suppression
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