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基于STC89S52 单片机的教室照明智能控制系统设计
(安顺学院,贵州 安顺 561000)

摘  要:本系统针对如何智能控制教室照明,避免用电大量浪费等问题进行研究,并且对实现教室照明智能控制的原理、方式及方法等问题进行了探究,提出了基于单片机的教室照明智能控制系统的设计方案,并在此基础上开发出了智能照明控制系统。系统的核心部件是STC89S52 单片机,它通过红外对管检测并统计进出教室的人数;使用光敏三极管来检测环境光的强度;以判断教室是否符合开、关灯的条件,从而实现了对教室照明的智能控制。软件部分使用的是C 语言,在MDK 编译器中进行编写,为了使代码便于改进和扩充,软件部分采用模块化结构设计。该系统还具有针对性强、可靠性高、控制方便、性价比高、体积小等特点,很大程度实现了节能的目的,满足了各种教室照明控制的要求。


中图分类号:TP273.5;TP368.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)09-0022-07

Design of Classroom Lighting Intelligent Control System Based onSTC89S52 Microcontroller
GUO Zongfu,PENG Hui,ZHU Tingting
(Anshun University,Anshun 561000,China)

Abstract:This system is aimed at the research on how to control the lighting in the classroom intelligently,avoid the problemof wasting electricity and so on. The principle,the way and the method of realizing the intelligent control of the classroom lighting areexplored,and the design scheme of the intelligent control system of the classroom lighting based on the single chip microcomputeris put forward,and the intelligent control system is developed on this basis. The core component of the system is the STC89S52microcontroller,which detects and counts the number of people in and out of the classroom through the infrared tube. A phototransistor isused to detect the intensity of ambient light,and to judge whether the classroom meets the conditions of turning on and off the lights,thusrealizing the intelligent control of classroom lighting. The software part uses C language and is written in MDK compiler. In order to makethe code easy to improve and expand,the software part uses modular structure design. The system also has the characteristics of strongpertinence,high reliability,convenient control,high cost performance,small volume and so on. It realizes the purpose of energy savingto a great extent,and meets the requirements of lighting control in various classrooms.

Keywords:intelligent control;classroom lighting;singlechip


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彭晖,男,电子工程学院15 级电子信息专业学生;

朱婷婷,女,电子工程学院14 级电子信息专业学生。