
(郑州技师学院,河南 郑州 450015)

摘  要:世界技能大赛被誉为是技能领域的“奥林匹克”,伴随着我国深化职业教育改革,着力培养创新型工匠人才,积极进行职业教育改革,以及在举办上海第46 届世界技能大赛的背景下,深入探讨世界技能大赛信息网络布线项目的参赛实训,为以后更好地参赛实训、教学改革、接轨世界都具有十分重要的意义。


中图分类号:TP393.03;TN913.3         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0197-02

Practice and Discussion on the Training of the Information Network Cabling Event
in the World Skills Competition
REN Yaxi
(Zhengzhou Technician College,Zhengzhou 450015,China)

Abstract:The World Skills Competition is known as the “Olympic Games” in the field of skills. With the deepening of vocational education reform in China,efforts are made to train innovative craftsmen,actively carry out vocational education reform,and in the context of holding the 46th World Skills Competition in Shanghai,in-depth discussion is made on the participating training of the information network wiring project of the World Skills Competition in order to better participate in training and teaching in the future. It is of great significance for us to reform our studies and integrate with the world.

Keywords:world skills competition;information network cabling;competition training


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[2] 世界技能大赛中国研究中心. 世界技能组织介绍 [EB/OL].,2019-03-15.
