摘 要:随着音乐与互联网的深度融合,数字音乐平台应运而生,成为公众获取音乐产品与服务的首要选择。但其迅速发展的同时也面临诸多挑战,公众日趋多样化的需求要求数字音乐平台精准识别、提供差异化服务以提升用户黏性,该领域的蓬勃发展也引起学术界的广泛关注与探讨。本研究运用期望确认模型,同时引入网络外部性和服务质量两个变量,构建了新的模型,采用结构方程模型对数字音乐平台用户的持续使用意向的影响因素进行实证研究。结果表明,期望确认度与感知有用性呈正向相关关系,感知有用性、网络外部性、服务质量均对用户持续使用意向具有显著的积极影响。
中图分类号:G206;TP393.092 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)12-0170-06
An Empirical Study on the Intention to Use Users of Digital Music Platforms
——Expectation-based Confirmation Model
ZHU Shenqi
(School of Public Administration,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330031,China)
Abstract:With the deep integration of music and internet,the digital music platform emerged as the first choice for the publicto obtain music products and services. But its rapid development also faces many challenges. The increasingly diversified demands of thepublic require the digital music platform to accurately identify and provide differentiated services to enhance user stickiness. The vigorousdevelopment of this field has also aroused widespread concern and discussion in academic circles. This study used the theory of expectationconfirmation and introduced two variables,network externality and service quality. A new model is constructed,and the structuralequation model is used to empirically study the influencing factors of users’intention to continue using digital music platform. The resultsshow that confirmation and perceived usefulness are positively correlated. Users’perceived usefulness,network externality and servicequality all have significant positive effects on users’continuance intention.
Keywords:digital music platform;expectation confirmation model;continuance intention
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