
2013-2016 年度科技查新项目计量分析及其对策研究
古兰• 托来西,罗玉璇
(新疆医科大学 图书馆,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011)

摘  要:新疆医科大学图书馆科技查新站成立于1995 年,2013 年成为教育部科技查新工作站,故本次分析数据来源于科技查新站获得教育部科技发展中心的资质后,2013 至2016 年4 年间所完成的科技查新报告数据。通过查新报告的年度数量、查新目的、范围、地区分布和新颖性进行分析和探讨科技查新站工作中存在的问题,并就如何提高查新服务能力,延伸查新服务内容及使查新更好地为科研服务提出建议[1]。


中图分类号:G252.62;G353.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)12-0179-03

Study on Bibliometric Analysis and Countermeasure ofSci-tech Novelty Retrieval Projects in 2013-2016

GULAN Tuolaixi,LUO Yuxuan

(Xinjiang Medical University Library,Urumqi 830011,China)

Abstract:Xinjiang Medical University Library Sci-tech Novelty Retrieval Station was established in 1995,and it has becomethe Sci-tech Novelty Retrieval Station of the Ministry of Education in 2013. Therefore,the data of this analysis comes from the reportdata of science and technology novelty search completed between 2013 and 2016 after the station obtained the qualification of theScience and Technology Development Center of the Ministry of Education. Through the analysis and discussion of the annual number,purpose,scope,regional distribution and novelty of novelty search reports,this paper puts forward some suggestions on how toimprove the novelty search service capacity,extend the content of novelty search service and make novelty search service better forscientific research[1].

Keywords:sci-tech novelty retrieval;bibliometric analysis;bibliometrics;statistical sources



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[2] 朱红,杨学进. 医学科技查新新颖性判断探讨 [J]. 医学信息学杂志,2008,29(8):22-24.

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