摘 要:针对“大数据基础”课程学习内容相对较新、知识面较广、教师教学与学生学习难度更大的实际状况,分析该课程的定位、教学内容与教材选择、教学方式与实验案例设计等问题。提出和实践新工科背景下的大数据课程教学方法,包括项目案例驱动教学、以问题提升教学、激发学生创造力等。同时,结合“大数据基础”课程教学实践分析了大数据课程教学改革方向。
中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)23-0171-03
Experience in Teaching Reform of “Big Data Foundation”
LI Zhijie,LIU Jiwang
(School of Information Science & Engineering,Hunan Institute of Science And Technology,Yueyang 414006,China)
Abstract:Aimed at the fact that the learning content of “Big Data Foundation ”course is relatively new,the knowledge is wide and the difficulty of teaching and learning is greater for teachers and students,this paper analyses the positioning of the course,the selection of teaching content and materials,the teaching method and the design of experimental cases,and puts forward the teaching method of big data course under the background of the new subject,including project case-driven teaching,problem-based teaching,stimulating students’creativity,etc. Meanwhile,combining with teaching practice,this paper analyses the direction of teaching reform of big data course.
Keywords:big data foundation;course teaching reform;project case;data science talents;construction of new engineering
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