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(山西工程职业技术学院,山西 太原 030009)

摘  要:随着信息技术的发展,人类的生活发生了极大的变化。在教育领域,教师的教学方式,学生的学习方式都在发生变化,信息技术正在悄无声息的改变着教育的形态。传统的教学模式已经不能满足新时代的要求,以学生为中心的教学模式以及新型智慧化教学手段的运用是目前高校教学改的方向。本文以工程制图为例阐述混合式教学模式的实施过程,极大地提升了课堂教学的效率和质量,拓展了师生互动的空间和频率。


中图分类号:TB23-4        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0087-03

Thinking and Practice on the Reform of Engineering Drawing Classroom Teaching under the Intelligent Teaching Environment

ZHAO Kaili

(Shanxi Engineering Vocational College,Taiyuan 030009,China)

Abstract:With the development of information technology,human life has undergone tremendous changes. In the field of education,the teaching methods of teachers and the way students learn are changing. Information technology is changing the form of education quietly. The traditional teaching mode can no longer meet the requirements of the new era. The student-centered teaching mode and the application of new intelligent teaching methods are the current direction of college teaching reform. This paper takes engineering drawing as an example to illustrate the implementation process of the mixed teaching mode,which greatly improves the efficiency and quality of classroom teaching,and expands the space and frequency of teacher-student interaction.

Keywords:information technology;teaching mode;engineering drawing


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作者简介:赵凯莉(1991-),女,汉族,山西晋中人,硕士, 助教,主要研究方向:工程制图教学及人因工程。