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计算机技术2018 年3 期

(中共湖南省委直属机关党校,湖南 长沙 410001)

摘  要:本文阐述了“互联网+”的作用及本质,分析了湖南智慧城市建设的现状和主要瓶颈。并从多个层面探讨了“互联网+”视域下湖南智慧城市的发展对策,包括加大扶持力度,形成发展合力;夯实支撑能力,促进互联互通;完善功能架构,构建评价体系等。


中图分类号:F294.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0080-03

An Analysis of the Development of Smart City in HuNan from the Perspectiveof“Internet Plus”
WU Qing
(Authority Party School Affiliated to Hunan Provincial Party Committee,Changsha 410001,China)

Abstract:This paper elucidates the nature and role of the internet plus and analyzes the current developments and major bottlenecks of smart cities in Hunan. And from several aspects discusses the development countermeasures of Hunan smart city “internet plus”perspective,including increased support and development efforts;Consolidate supporting capabilities,promote interoperability,improve functional structure,and build evaluation system.

Keywords:internet plus;smart city;countermeasure


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