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基于大数据分析对客户信誉与客户欠费间的 关系研究
(广东电网有限责任公司清远供电局 信息中心,广东 清远 511500)

摘  要:随着电力企业的不断发展,供电公司对用电客户信誉情况及客户欠费风险情况越来越重视。从积累的大量电力营销数据的分析和研究中构建客户信誉等级模型和客户欠费风险模型,进而从中找到二者的关系成为供电公司的研究重点。为此,该文提出了基于大数据分析客户信誉与客户欠费间的关系的研究,对营销系统的日常业务数据进行深入的挖掘分析,重新构建客户信誉等级和客户欠费风险模型,判别存在电费回收高风险的用户,并依据客户类别生成分析仪表盘,多维分析以便降低电费回收风险,同时,找到客户信誉与客户欠费间的关系,以便业务人员针对具体客户采用适当的策略开展工作。

关键词:大数据分析;客户信誉;客户欠费;OLAP 多维分析;电力营销

中图分类号:TP311.1;F426.61         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)02-0126-03

Research on the Relationship Between Customer Reputation and Customer Arrears Based on Big Data Analysis

XU Jialing

(Information Center of Qingyuan Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Qingyuan 511500,China)

Abstract:With the continuous development of power companies,power supply companies are paying more and more attention to the credit situation of customers and the risk of customers’arrears. From the analysis and research of the accumulated large amount of electric power marketing data,it becomes the research focus of the power supply company to build the customer credit rating model and the customer default risk model,and then find the relationship between them. For this reason,in this paper a research based on big data analysis of customer reputation and customer arrears is proposed. The daily business data of the marketing system is deeply analyzed and analyzed,and the customer credit rating and customer arrearage risk model are reconstructed to determine the existence of electricity fee recovery. High-risk users,and generate analytical dashboards based on customer categories,multi-dimensional analysis to reduce the risk of electricity bill recovery,and at the same time,find the relationship between customer reputation and customer arrears,so that business personnel can work with specific strategies for specific customers.

Keywords:big data analysis;customer reputation;customer arrears;OLAP multidimensional analysis;power marketing


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