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(中国联合网络通信有限公司河南省分公司,河南 郑州 450003)

摘  要:自进入 20 世纪以来,社会互联网技术高速发展,尤其以移动互联网为代表的网络技术迅速崛起。近些年人类社会不断走向智能化,开启了人工智能技术的研究历程,并将这项技术应用到移动互联网的发展中,这是非常重要的。社会各行、各业、各领域都在向移动智能化迈进,而人工智能更是我国在移动互联网发展研究中的一个重大突破,也是世界技术的重大发展。如今的人工智能已经不仅仅局限在实验室和一些固定设备当中,而是真正走向了社会,在新闻、游戏等不同领域都有广泛应用,人们的生活需要也越来越依赖智能设备。


中图分类号:TP18         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)03-0097-03

The Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in the Development of Mobile Internet


(China United Network Communication Co.,Ltd. Henan Branch,Zhengzhou 450003,China)

Abstract:Since the 20th century,the rapid development of social internet technology,especially the rapid rise of network technology represented by mobile internet. In recent years,human society has been moving towards intelligence,which has opened the research process of artificial intelligence technology,and applied this technology to the development of mobile internet,which is very important. All walks of life,all fields are moving towards mobile intelligence,and artificial intelligence is a major breakthrough in the development of mobile internet in China,and also a major development of world technology. Today’s artificial intelligence is not only limited in the laboratory and some fixed equipment,but also has a real trend towards the society. It is widely used in different fields such as news,games and so on. People’s life needs are increasingly dependent on intelligent equipment.

Keywords:artificial intelligence;intelligent technology;mobile internet;network development;technology application


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