摘 要:学校是呼吸道传染病公共卫生事件暴发的主要场所之一,为做好学校疫情防控管理,可量身定制符合学校疫情防控需要的管理系统。文章从系统设计方案、逻辑与界面设计以及系统总框架等方面进行分析,详细介绍了学校疫情防控管理系统的设计与实现,将该系统投入实际使用,能够有效地对全体学生进行疫情监督,使学校做到防患于未然,保障学生安全。
基金项目:2020 年度郴州市科技局科技创 新能力培育项目(ZDYF2020210)
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)10-0080-04
Design and Implementation of School Epidemic Situation Prevention and Control Management System
WANG Lingyan,CAO Shanfeng,LIU Aimin
(Chenzhou Vocational Technical College,Chenzhou 423000,China)
Abstract:The school is one of the main places for the outbreak of public health events of respiratory infectious diseases. In order to do a good job in the school epidemic situation prevention and control management,a management system that meets the need of school epidemic situation prevention and control can be customized. This paper analyzes the system design scheme,logic and interface design and the general framework of the system,and introduces in detail the design and implementation of the school epidemic situation prevention and control management system. Putting the system into practical use can effectively make the epidemic situation supervision of all students,so that the school can take preventive measures and ensure the safety of students.
Keywords:epidemic situation;prevention and control management system;school
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作者简介:王凌燕(1978.05—),女,汉族,湖南郴州人, 教授,本科,研究方向:计算机应用技术高等职业教育