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基于 OpenStack 与 Hadoop 的文件加密存储系统方案设计
裴栋 1,张巧燕 2
(1. 内蒙古机电职业技术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010070;2. 内蒙古电子信息职业技术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010070)

摘  要:近几年,随着 5G 网络的不断发展,尤其是在全球突发性公共卫生事件发生期间,文件的安全存储已经成为新的课题。文章设计了一个基于 OpenStack 与 Hadoop 的文件加密存储系统方案:利用 MapReduce 框架并行的特点来提高对文件的加密速度。与此同时,根据文件的不同选择合适的加密算法,并且根据文件类型将加密后的文件存储到 OpenStack 相应的组件中。这样不仅可以提高文件加密速度,优化文件存储策略,而且用户还可以根据自身情况自主选择所需的加密服务。



中图分类号:TP309.7                                        文献标识码:A                                       文章编号:2096-4706(2021)12-0104-03

Design of File Encryption Storage System Scheme Based on OpenStack and Hadoop

PEI Dong1 , ZHANG Qiaoyan2

(1.Inner Mongolia Technical College of Mechanics and Electrics, Hohhot 010070, China; 2.Inner Mongolia Electronic Information Vocational Technical College, Hohhot 010070, China)

Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous development of 5G network, especially during the global public health emergencies, the safe storage of files has become a new topic. This paper designs a file encryption storage system scheme based on OpenStack and Hadoop: The parallel characteristics of MapReduce framework are used to improve the encryption speed of files. At the same time, an appropriate encryption algorithm is selected according to the different files, and the encrypted files are stored in the corresponding components of OpenStack according to the file type. This can not only improve the file encryption speed and optimize the file storage strategy, but also users can independently choose the required encryption services according to their own conditions.

Keywords: OpenStack; Hadoop; MapReduce; file encryption; file storage


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作者简介:裴栋(1991.06—),男,汉族,山西吕梁人,硕 士研究生,助教,研究方向:大数据、云计算、人工智能。