摘 要:信用保证保险包括信用保险和保证保险。信用保险是权利人投保义务人信用的保险业务,保证保险是义务人投保自己信用的保险业务,这些业务在国内的开展有利于国计民生;为响应国家号召,加快信用保证保险业务流程信息化建设,满足保前风险审核、保后监测管理、履约义务人独立审核、征信审核,文章分别从投保、批改、理赔业务场景进行需求分析、设计、实现,从而形成信保系统。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)20-0067-05
Analysis and Design of Credit Insurance System Based on SpringBoot
SUN Yongsheng
(Sinosoft Co., Ltd., Beijing 100190, China)
Abstract: Credit guarantee insurance includes credit insurance and guarantee insurance. Credit insurance is the insurance business for the obligee to insure the obligor’s credit, and guarantee insurance is the insurance business for the obligor to insure his own credit. The development of these businesses in China is conducive to the national economy and the people’s livelihood; in order to respond to the national call, speed up the informatization construction of credit guarantee insurance business process, and meet the pre insurance risk audit, post insurance monitoring management, independent audit of performance obligor and credit investigation audit, this paper analyzes, designs and implements the needs from the business scenarios of insurance, correction and claim settlement, so as to form a credit insurance system.
Keywords: credit insurance; guarantee insurance; insure
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