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(华北水利水电大学 信息工程学院,河南 郑州 450046)

摘  要:在轨卫星空间外热流分析对于微纳卫星热状态的仿真研究具有重要意义,为卫星温度场的分析提供了外在的热边界条件。在轨道运动的基础上,建立了在轨卫星瞬时空间外热流计算模型,快速、简便地计算了太阳辐照热流、地球红外辐照热流、地球反照热流的值。对其结果和变化规律进行了详细的分析与讨论,仿真结果较准确地反映出卫星在轨运行期间空间外热流变化规律,同时满足实时性要求。



中图分类号:TP391.9;V416 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)15-0067-03

Simulation Analysis of External Heat Flow of Micro-nano Satellite

LI Yaqi

(School of Information Engineering, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450046, China)

Abstract: The analysis on external heat flow of on-orbit satellite is of great significance for the simulation study of the thermal state of micro-nano satellites, which provides external thermal boundary conditions for the analysis of satellite temperature fields. On the basis of orbital motion, a calculation model of instantaneous external heat flow of on-orbit satellites is established, and the values of solar radiation heat flow, earth infrared radiation heat flow, and earth albedo heat flow are calculated quickly and easily. The results and changing laws are analyzed and discussed in detail. The simulation results can accurately reflect the changing laws of external heat flow during the satellite inorbit operation, and meet the real-time requirements at the same time.

Keywords: micro-nano satellite; external heat flow; modeling; simulation


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