
​基于 STEAM 教育的 App Inventor 课堂教学研究
(广州市第十七中学,广东 广州 510050)

摘  要:通过在中学 App Inventor 课堂教学中引入 STEAM 教育,着重培养学生的核心素养和解决实际问题的能力。可以使没有任何编程经验的中学生,经过简单、系统的学习以后能开发出基于安卓手机系统的 APP 应用程序。该文以“制作手机听单词应用软件”为例,以 STEAM 教育为指导,让学生在 App Inventor 程序设计中运用科学、技术、工程、艺术、数学等多学科知识来完成这一项目,激发学生对 App Inventor 编程的兴趣,培养他们的创新能力以及创造实现。

关键词:App Inventor;STEAM;课堂教学

中图分类号:TP311.5;G434         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0182-04

Research on App Inventor Classroom Teaching Based on STEAM Education

XIE Xuebin

(Guangzhou No.17 Middle School,Guangzhou 510050,China)

Abstract:By introducing STEAM education into App Inventor classroom teaching in middle school,we focus on cultivating students’core literacy and ability to solve practical problems. It can enable middle school students without any programming experience to develop APP applications based on Android mobile system after simple and systematic learning. This paper takes “making mobile phone word application software”as an example,under the guidance of steam education,let students use science,technology,engineering,art,mathematics and other multi-disciplinary knowledge in App Inventor programming to complete this project,stimulate students’interest in App Inventor programming,cultivate their innovation ability and creative realization.

Keywords:App Inventor;STEAM;classroom teaching


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作者简介:谢学斌(1983-),男,汉族,广东河源人,高级工程师,硕士学位,中学一级教师,研究方向:App Inventor、人工智能。