
(苏州市金阊新城实验小学校,江苏 苏州 215008)

摘  要:面对突如其来的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控、全民居家战“疫”,学生不能上学,学校劳技学科根据学生实际情况,选取适合学生居家开展的学习项目,通过劳技学科在线教育的模式,培养了学生心系疫情,关注国家大事的爱国主义情感;利用家庭得天独厚的劳动教育资源,让学生养成了爱生活、爱劳动的好习惯,收获了意想不到的良好教学效果。


中图分类号:G434         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0193-03

Effective Strategies for Online Teaching of Labor Technology

LI Chunlan

(Suzhou Jinchangxincheng Experimental Primary School,Suzhou 215008,China)

Abstract:Facing COVID-19 prevention richly endowed by nature,and the whole nation’s home-based “war”,students can not go to school. The school labor technology discipline selects suitable learning projects suitable for students to study at home according to the actual situation of students. Through the online education mode of labor technology discipline,it has trained the students’heart disease epidemic situation,and concerned about patriotic feelings of state affairs. Educational resources enable students to form a good habit of loving life and labor,and achieve unexpected good teaching results.

Keywords:labor technology;online teaching;effective strategies


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